
Showing posts with the label Conic Sections


 The greek mathematician Archimedes and Apollonius studied the curve named conic sections . These curve are intersection of a plane with right circular cone. Conic section have a wide range of applications such as planetary motions, in desigens of telescope and antennas, eflection in flash , automobile headlights, construction of bridge , navigation, projectiles etc. Definition of conic section:     A conic section or conic can be defined as the locus of the P in a plane such that the ratio of the distance of P from a fixed point to its distance from a fixed line is constant  e known as  eccentricity .     The fixed point is callled the focus of the conic section, denoted by S . The fixed straight line is called the directrix of conic section, denoted by  d. If S is the focus , P is any point on the conic section and segment PM is the length of perpandicular from P on the derectrix, then by definition SP/PM = constant.              The nature of the conic section depends upon the value